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F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

Recommendations on organizing case management programs for vulnerable groups. Practical manual for social workers.

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Date received: 2008-09-01

Language: Русский

Code: 415

Year published: 2007

Author: Z. Barteneva and others

Organization: AIDS Foundation East-West

Carrier: Printed

This manual was developed to assist specialists working with vulnerable groups (sex workers, injection drug users and inmates) in setting up the process of case management. Case management (social assistance) is an effective approach which is being widely used in HIV prevention programs. The authors of the manual thought it important and up-to-date to inform their colleagues on their experience in theoretical and practical experience.

This report answers the question: why is it important to increase participation of people with experience in injection drug use, in implementation...

December 1 - World AIDS Day

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