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F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

Dispensary observation, care and treatment for children born to HIV-positive mothers, and for children with HIV-infection. Brief guidelines for specialists working at AIDS Centers.

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Date received: 2008-09-08

Language: Русский

Code: 526

Year published: 2006

Author: E. Voronin and others

Organization: Republican clinical infectious disease hospital (Ust-Izhora), UNICEF

Carrier: Printed

These guidelines can be considered a methodological clinical and organizational manual to set up activities are healthcare establishments that provide medicals services to children born to HIV-positive women and to children with HIV-infection. The guidelines are recommended for healthcare specialists, pediatricians and infectious disease doctors.

This edition contains information about various topics, including: Children and HIV-infection, Treatment of HIV, adherence to ART; Opportunistic...

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