tel.: +7 (3952) 43-67-57
Irkutsk city, 2-nd Zheleznodorozhnaya st., 9
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F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

27.10.2009 Irkutsk Oblast Branch of the Russian Red Cross and Department of Surveillance for Consumer rights protection and human well-being in Irkutsk Oblast are publishing pamphlet “New influenza? How to protect oneself: information about flue A H1/N1”

New strain of the influenza is A H1/N1 is rapidly spreading and cases of it have already been registered in Irkutsk City. This is an entirely new virus – specific variety of group A (so called strain or subtype H1/N1), which has never been detected in human beings. And it is due to this fact that there is no immunity towards this strain among people. Because of it specialists of the RRC/Irkutsk and the Department of Surveillance for Consumer rights protection and human well-being are publishing pamphlet “New influenza? How to protect oneself: information about flue A H1/N1”.

It is planned to publish the pamphlet by the beginning of November. It is available free, at the office of the RRC/Irkutsk at Karl Marx Street 39, tel. (3952) 200-393.

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