tel.: +7 (3952) 43-67-57
Irkutsk city, 2-nd Zheleznodorozhnaya st., 9
Ðóññêèé / English
Ñòóïåíè Âàøå ó÷àñòèå Ñîöèàëüíîå áþðî Øêîëà ïàöèåíòà
«Hot line on HIV issues »
«Hot line on rehabilitation issues »
F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

19.10.2010 A new component of «Expanded Care & Support for People Affected by HIV in Irkutsk» Program

A new component – “Supervised Treatment for People with Combined TB+HIV Infections”- was added to the «Expanded Care & Support for People Affected by HIV in Irkutsk» Program in July, 2010.
A position of a palliative nurse was introduced for the purpose of providing Supervised TB Treatment, who is in charge of providing daily visits to patients in home-based settings, supervised treatment with TB medications, distributing food parcels to increase body resistance, counseling clients, and following prescriptions of the physician. 

Moreover, it is planned to publish a “TB: Rights and Responsibilities” brochure in line with the program component.

For Your Information: the «Expanded Care & Support for People Affected by HIV in Irkutsk» Program has been implementing for 7 years through the support of the American Red Cross.

Feel free to call at 8 (3952) 200-602 hot line phone number to ask questions on HIV\AIDS and other infectious diseases.

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