Ryazan Regional branch of the Russian Red Cross appreciates Irkutsk Oblast branch of the Russian Red Cross in the name of Marina Vitalyevna Akulova and Sergey Nickolayevich Skvortsov for the financial support in the amount of 250 thousand rubles to the citizens of Ryazan Oblast who suffered from wild fires in August-September, 2010. The raised money was used to purchase 595 food parcels and distributed to the citizens of Laskovskiy, Trebukhino, Peredeltsy, Kortanosovo, Kriusha of Ryazan and Spassko-Klepikovsky rayons. Each food parcel was distributed with the information that it was purchased with the donations raised by Irkutsk Oblast branch of the Russian Red Cross.
We really appreciate our colleagues from Ryazan for the report!
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