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F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

14.04.2011 Fundraising Campaign to Support Disaster Victims in Japan Update

After the tragedy caused by the huge earthquake, which left a vast trail of thousands of dead and wounded people and an enormous devastation, the Russian Red Cross initiated a fundraising campaign to support disaster victims in Japan.
On March 14th , 2011, RF Sberbank joined the campaign, which posted a fundraising appeal on its official site. The Russian Red Cross banking data were given there as well.
From March 15th to April 11th , more than 2800 people contributed to raise more than 11 580 000,00 rubles; enterprises and organizations contributed 25 370 000,00 rubles. The total sum of raised money was more than 36 950 065,00 rubles.
Here is a list of enterprises that contributed the most:
Sberbank of Russia – 17 495 100, 00 rubles
Ì.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University - 300 000 rubles
“Nizhegorodets” Commercial Enterprise LLC - 300 000 rubles
«Hermes-Russ» Art Salon - 30 000 rubles
Priority-Strategy LLC, «Uralsib in Nizhniy Novgorod» JSC Branch – 200 000 rubles
«Rainbow-Avito» LLC - 150 000 rubles
«Vdokhniveniye» LLC (“Inspiration”) - 150 000 rubles
«Lider» LLC - 150 000 rubles
«Baltika Breweries» LLC - 4 000 000 rubles
«Magadan Mechanical Plant» PJSC - 200 000 rubles
«ANT Import» JSC- 300 000 rubles
GUSP «Teplichniy» State Farm - 300 000 rubles
FGUP Magadan Airport – 100 000 rubles
«Construction Materials» LLC - 120 000 rubles
«ST Nizhegorodets» LLC - 200 000 rubles
AST-Motors LLC - 200 000 rubles
The Russian Red Cross highly appreciates all people and organizations for their kindness, charity, and support.
As of April 12th, 2011, USD 1 296 509 were transferred to the Japanese Red Cross.
The Russian Red Cross is going to inform people and organizations of the raised money proper use.
Please, search for information about other RRC HQ\ RRC Branch events to support disaster victims in Japan both at RRC HQ\ RRC Branch and Sberbank of Russia sites

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