02.04.2013 “Semitsvetik” Early Development School visits the Baikal Seal Center
All the 18 boys and girls received small toy nerpas as souvenirs. They were fascinated by the show and at the same time they learned a lot of facts about these wonderful animals.
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Children-clients of the “HIV-prevention and scale up of care and support to people living with HIV in Irkutsk” Program visited the Baikal Seal Center on March, 16.
First the children learned a lot of interesting facts about the seals (in Russian we call them “nerpa”) that live in lake Baikal. Now they know where the seals live, what they eat and how they play. After this introduction, the nerpas Vinnie-the-Pooh and Laska made an amazing performance in their pool. The children from “Semitsvetik” enjoyed the show greatly. They helped the nerpas do sums, cheered them in “sport competitions”, and wondered at the seals painting real pictures! The picture by Laska was presented to the children afterwards.
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