01.09.2013 Results of the first stage of the long-term 1000 Money Boxes program

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We summed up the first results of the long-term 1000 Money Boxes program that is aimed at collection of donations from population.
During the first stage of the action (April - August 2013) in the Money Boxes placed in the Melodiya Zdorovia drug stores located to the addresses:
1. Sophiya Perovskaya Str., 29;
2. Almaznaya Str., 2a
3. Baikalskaya Str., 149;
4. Deputatskaya Str., 89
5. Sukhe-Bator Str., 7;
6. R. Lyuksemburg Str., 223a;
7. Leningradskaya Str., 102;
8. Oktyabrskoy Revolyutsii Str., 7;
9. Yubileyny District, 42;
10. Oktyabrskoy Revolyutsii Str., 5
the response for a three-year old Masha Ruzavina suffering from a rare skin disease (Epidermolysis bullosa or EB) accounted for RUB 15 577.66.
All the donations were handed over to Nataliya Ruzavina, Masha's mother.
We deeply thank everyone who participated in the action for sympathy and response!
The 1000 Money Boxes program is extended and donations are collected within the Road to School action.
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