25.11.2013 Activity devoted to the World Day of Struggle against AIDS
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«AIDS – Four letters - Million of Lives» is the name of HIV prevention campaign organized by Irkutsk Branch of RRC that started on November 11 and will finish on December 1.

Within the «AIDS – Four letters - Million of Lives» the following activities are planned:
"Prevention Weekly" will be held from November 11 till December 30: facilitators-volunteers will be delivering lectures on HIV prevention to school children and students of secondary educational institutions.
«Informational Tents» will be organized in two educational institutions of Irkutsk: in the Irkutsk Pedagogical College (November, 28 from 11:00 till 13:00), and in the National Research Irkutsk Technical University (November 29, from 13:00 till 15:00).
«AIDS – Four letters - Million of Lives» action will be terminated by the evening party "Live! Love! Dance!" in the Akula Entertainment Center that supported this charity action. Guests will be able to participate in different competitions and will get small gifts with Red Cross symbols. The evening party will be held on November 30, at 11.00 pm.
On December 1, on the World Day of Struggle against AIDS from 13:00 till 15:00 "Positive Handshaking" action will take place in Uritskogo Street.
Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross heartily thanks partners of the action for support:
Akula Entertainment Center,
Volunteers of Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross.
Everybody is welcome to join our action.
All the information on the course of the action will be available at our site.
Additional information:
The idea of holding the World Day of Struggle against AIDS was initiated by the World Healthcare Organization. It was supported by 140 countries of the world. For the first time this day was celebrated on December 1, 1988 after the meeting of Healthcare Ministers of all the countries when they appealed to social tolerance and to expanding the AIDS information exchange.
Information for contacts:
Karimova Gulnara, Coordinator, Tel.: 382-575, 89086464691
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