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Irkutsk city, 2-nd Zheleznodorozhnaya st., 9
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«Hot line on HIV issues »
«Hot line on rehabilitation issues »
F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

06.12.2013 Informational campaign "AIDS - Four Letters - Million of Lives"
By the World Day of Struggle against AIDS the Irkutsk Regional Branch of Russian Red Cross dated a number of activities united under one topic «AIDS – Four letters - Million of Lives».
Objective of this large-scale informational campaign is to remind that everyone is personally responsible for protection of his health.
The informational campaign started on November 11, when volunteers-facilitators of Irkutsk regional Branch of RRC started visiting schools and secondary educational institutions of Irkutsk delivering informational sessions on HIV prevention.
"Informational Tents" held in the Irkutsk Pedagogical College and in the National Research Irkutsk Technical University (November 28-29) constituted the next step of the campaign. "Informational tents" were held in friendly atmosphere. Students took interest in updated testing and in Graffiti competition, got consultations and tickets to Akula entertainment center to the evening party devoted to HIV prevention titled "Live! Love! Dance!" During the action the 'Tents' were visited by about 300 students.
An evening party "Live! Love! Dance!" in the Akula night club at nighttime from November 30 to December 1 became the brightest event of the prevention campaign. Guests of the evening party learned the stories of outstanding people who died from AIDS (Aizer Azimov, Gia Karandji, Freddy Mercury, Rock Hudson, Rudolf Nuriev), became aware of the "Red Ribbon" symbol, supported World Day of Struggle against AIDS, got small gifts from Irkutsk Branch of RRC.
The party was supported by students' pedagogical teams "Altair" and "Flibustiery" who showed an inflammatory dance.  Workers of Akula Entertainment Center contributed their quiz into the activity and reminded the guests the safe behavior for HIV prevention.  The estimated number of participants of the action was about 350 people.
The final stage of the campaign was "Positive handshaking" action that was held in the Uritskogo Street on December, 1. During the action the volunteers of Irkutsk Branch of RRC were wearing ad jackets with inscription "If I am HIV-positive, would you shake my hand?" were walking along the main walking street of the city and "collected" hand-shaking.
Passers-by who shook volunteer's hand were given sweets and a 2014 calendar "ICC, Stages". Those who refused to shake hands were given a booklet "You should know that" that gave accurate information on HIV transmission and prevention.
Many passers-by were actively supporting the volunteers and one girl said about her status and noted the urgency of this action.  223 passers-by took part in the action, 173 of which shook hands.  

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It wasn’t an easy process of creating this book, but one has to talk about this shameful phenomenon - selling women abroad for entertainment,...

December 1 - World AIDS Day

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