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F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

10.06.2015 Overview of the RRC Resource Center on HIV and Tuberculosis activities


Dear site visitors and the beneficiaries of the RRC Resource Center!

We would like to bring to your kind attention an overview of the RRC Resource Center on HIV and Tuberculosis activities
from January to March, 2015
prepared by the RRC RC Supervisory Board member Akulova Marina Vitalievna.


In the course of revising the reporting instruments on the project titled “Enhancing and Strengthening the Activities of the RRC Resource Center for HIV and Tuberculosis» implemented within the framework of the Russian Red Cross program “Regional Health Initiative” for the period covering January-March, 2015, a number of educational materials, reports, recommendations, publications and awareness raising materials have been carefully studied.

On the basis of the reporting instruments furnished one could state that over the period under review a lot has been done in the field of educational activities to train both personnel and volunteers of the Russian Red Cross and other National Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies in HIV prevention and providing support to HIV-positive people. Educational modules, recommendations and guidelines elaborated and presented by the RRC branches have been worked out on the basis of vast practical experience and specialists’ needs and show profound knowledge and understanding of situation in the sphere of prevention and support to those affected by HIV and Tuberculosis. One should also stress that the awareness raising materials on HIV-infection are generally available and may be accessed either online or by means of dispatch services.

The educational package “Knowledge management” that has been initially elaborated and tested within the framework of a training session happens to be of great practical importance for the Red Cross system of Eastern European and Central Asian countries. The use of skills allowing one to develop his competences in knowledge management and strengthen the intellectual capital of different organizations would evidently have a positive impact in terms of improving sustainability of the organizations’ project activities. It is specially important that the educational package that includes the curriculum, workbooks, electronic presentations visualizing all the topics of the training session, supplementary books to support the training topics as well as benchmark tests has been elaborated the way that allows the regional branches to organize similar training sessions for their staff on their own.

Another important aspect is that the project envisages the evaluation of the economic efficiency of the RRC activities on provision of palliative care for patients with late-stage HIV disease. Participation in the process of evaluating the academic medical institutes would allow independent, thoroughly grounded and theoretically substantiated assessment. At the same time one could lay account with the results of the analysis performed to become a profound scientific base for advocacy activities and allow to attract additional funding, including the use of the budget funds.


One should also pay special attention to the interesting format, design, color score and content of the newsletter that happens to be a colorful electronic edition meant to share experience and disseminate information on successful practices.

Summarizing the information given above, it is important to stress the high professional level of activities implemented within the framework of the RRC Resource Center that renders competent technical and educational aid to the regional RRC branches and other partners representing Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies of different countries that are interested in cooperation and obtaining credible information on HIV and Tuberculosis.

As an idea I would like to make a request to expand the scale of awareness-raising activities so that the information on the implemented programs, new educational materials and recommendations could go beyond the RRC branches and sister National Societies  and reach other organizations of Eastern European and Central Asian countries engaged in HIV and TB services. The expansion of awareness-raising campaigns may be executed by target dispatch through, ensuring higher level of sociability of the Facebook group and other social media. For no doubt, the expansion of dissemination activities not only among the Movement components, but also the other specialized AIDS-service agencies would form a supplementary basis for the strengthening of the RRC professional image, appropriate enhancement of its credibility within the framework of AIDS Services Organizations as soon as the activities implemented within the framework of the RRC RC deserve the highest possible appraisal of the professional community being characterized by innovation, professionalism, succession and commitment.  


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