tel.: +7 (3952) 43-67-57
Irkutsk city, 2-nd Zheleznodorozhnaya st., 9
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F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

10.12.2009 Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross today received from the United Nations Children`s Fund special methodological book-kits on forming and maintaining adherence to treatment in children.

Irkutsk regional branch of the Russian Red Cross today received from the United Nations Children`s Fund special methodological book-kits on forming and maintaining adherence to treatment in children. Each kit includes a colorful calendar so that children can on their own mark the time when they take a medicine, and monitor the time; a book “Story of one Fairy lady Vitaminka”; CD with the cartoon of the same title. In the cartoon there is an easy explanation why a child should take medicines and why it is very important not to skip time when the medicine should be taken.

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