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F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

06.10.2014 The focus of attention is resources mobilization as an element of sustainable development

RRC Resource Center on HIV and TB questions is continuing its activities on developing and capacity-building of RC/RC National societies in Eurasian region countries.


In September 2014, in cooperation and under technical support of Ukrainian Red Cross and Kazakhstan Red Crescent Society, American Red Cross and IFRC/RC Central Asian Office, RRC Resource Center conducted two I-level trainings devoted to project planning questions, monitoring, evaluation and volunteer management.

Trainings were developed and conducted by RRC Resource Center technical support group staff (Irkutsk). Big methodological packages containing trainings’ protocols, detailed plans and educational programs, handout educational materials and electronic presentations visualizing all the topics of trainings set in the plan were prepared by RRC Resource Center for each of the training. All methodological materials available at: pages/ Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder/ Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder_inf_metod.html.


The first training “ the Volunteer Management” took place on 17 - 19 September 2014 in Kiev (Ukraine) for the staff and volunteers of Ukrainian and Belarusian Red Cross. On participants’ own admission volunteers is one of the most precious resource of RC National societies and the effective and right use of their force contribute to capacity building and is an element of sustainability. That is why training’s participants learnt the elements of volunteer management, shared experience and interesting thoughts and findings on how to work with volunteers. The atmosphere of the training was friendly and constructive. Theoretical and practical activities provided participants with opportunity to broaden and deepen their knowledge on planning, control, monitoring, estimation of volunteers’ activity, motivation, engagement and retention of volunteers in the organization. “Identify project’s need in volunteers” was the topic of particular interest for participants. The described by the trainers methodic of determining the necessary quantity of volunteers allowed to take a fresh look on projects realized and overview their need in volunteers and possibilities provided by timely done needs estimation. Educational sessions were accompanied by presentations, games, self-esteem exercises and group work. The final assessment test demonstrated the highly increased level of participants’ efficiency in volunteer management questions. During the training the whole learning group worked as one friendly team and excellent organization and conditions provided by the host side contributed to the process.

On 22-25 September in Almaty (Kazakhstan) a four days training was hosted by RC Resource Center trainers on a very different but focused on development and capacity-building topics – “Resource mobilization and project planning. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting”. The staff of Kazakhstan Red Crescent society (15 people) and Turkmenistan Red Crescent society (3 people) participated in the training.

The key aim of the training was to educate participants skills of resource mobilization and effective use of its main tools – project planning and fundraising. Participants learnt step-by-step theoretical materials and then how to create in practice the design of competitive projects and tried to create monitoring and estimation systems by themselves in accordance with national and international requirements in the field that in its turn should enhance capacity-building and development sustainability of Red Cross Central Asian region National societies. “The Fundraising” topic was presented by the informational presentation based on academic literature and expert-organizations’ developments in the field of resource mobilization. During the learning sessions participants learnt the best practices of non-commercial organizations of the “near broad” and shared their own experience in fundraising as well as got inspired by the new fundraising ideas for realization.

All the topics of the training were accompanied by handout materials necessary to be used during practical exercises or to use in further work. Moreover all the participants were supplied with additional materials in both electronic and printed formats - IFRC/RC guides, Resource Center methodological developments, other organizations’ literature.

Speaking about the general final assessment of the training, the majority of participants left positive feedbacks and noticed that the given information is relevant and will be helpful as it corresponds to their professional needs. The expectations they had were fully realized. The majority of participants stated in summary that they would plan their activity correctly, try to improve recent projects and in general there wouldl be more successful projects in organization. The logistics of the training was also highly esteemed as well as the work of trainers.

Saying goodbye to participants trainers “left the doors opened” offering their assistance and methodological support which is available on the site of RRC RC electronic library at or addressing them directly via email.

Full analytical reports on trainings conducted by RRC Resource Center in September 2014 can be found at: Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder/ Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder_reports/Otchety_po_meropriyatiyam.html


RRC Resource Center will continue its work on RC/RC National societies’ capacity-building – in October, in Moscow a training will take place which for the first time will present the topic of modern project management. You can address the head of Resource Center Veronica Agapova on all the questions of participation in the training

To be continued …  

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The pamphlet contains information about modes of transmission of TB, symptoms and measures of prevention.

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