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«Hot line on HIV issues »
«Hot line on rehabilitation issues »
F. A. Q.

Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!

03.12.2014 Training of peer instructors on HIV prevention within the framework of the project «Preventing HIV and supporting PLHIV in Irkutsk» going on

Another training session to educate peer instructors on HIV prevention among youth has just been held by the Irkutsk regional RRC  branch. Among those who participated were the secondary school students (4 people) and the students of higher educational institutes and vocational schools of the Irkutsk city (7 people). All the participants of the training session were the members of various educational teams. A few of them were already aware of the RRC activities in Irkutsk, while for the others the training session turned out to be the first chance to get acquainted with the organization, its prevention activities and peer-approach.

The training session was conducted in accordance with the program and the protocol of the Second Grade Peer Instructors Training presented within the framework of Module III “HIV prevention among youth” which is available at: pages/Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder/ Gruppa_tehnicheskoj_podder_inf_metod/Modul_III_Metodicheskij_p.html.

The training session was held in a friendly atmosphere. All the participants took active part in discussions and group activities sharing their viewpoint with the others. Over the three days of the training session the participants have learnt a lot of new things, took part in discussions, group activities and games, tried on the role of peer instructors and passed both theoretical and practical examinations.

The first day the participants learnt a lot of new things on HIV infection: comprehended the main notions, learnt the peculiarities of HIV existence in a human body, studied the myths and the ways of HIV transmission, elaborated prevention measures on their own and etc. 

The second day  they studied the methods of presenting information, various educational methods, possible communication difficulties and barriers, the ways of organizing awareness raising campaigns and the rules of reporting. 

The third day of the training session was devoted to examinations. Four groups of participants presented the work of peer instructors in the course of a full-scale information session (45 minutes). One should say that all the participants claimed success with their presentations. Their experience with the educational teams has helped them a lot. Even the most junior participants successfully passed practical examinations.

At the end of the training session participants received certificates of training and promotional gifts. They also reflected on the activity having presented their viewpoints, plans and wishes. All of them turned out to be generally satisfied with the training session.  A memento photo picturing all the participants has been taken.


The report has been prepared by the RRC RC TSG trainer
Gulnara Karimova, e-mail:
All the question regarding participation
in the training sessions should be
addressed to Anna Nikonova ,
Tel: 8(3952) 382-557 

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